Wednesday, September 15, 2010

#16 - Muntingia calabura

Muntingia calabura, also known as Singapore cherry, is a tall tree reaching to a height of 13 meters tall. The sweet fruits are much sought after by fruit eating birds, squirrels and bats.

Family name: Muntingiaceae


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Singapore cherry is a small tree, commonly grows in houses in Bangalore, Karnataka, India. Its red coloured soft berries are edible and they smell like freshly baked cakes when they are pressed gently. Their white coloured pulp and minute seeds are oozed out on squeezing.
    Dr. G. G. Saraswat.

  3. Please see the plant and write to me if you notice this plant anywhere else in India.
    Dr. G. G. Saraswat.
